All Classes and Interfaces
Enumerate the legal values for the m_mode field of IVHACD::Parameters.
Named activation states for use with a PhysicsCollisionObject.
Enumerate the implemented aerodynamic models for a SoftBodyConfig.
Named anisotropic friction modes for use with a PhysicsCollisionObject.
A PhysicsJoint to join a particular node of a soft body (A) to a rigid body
(B), based on Bullet's btSoftBody::Anchor.
describes a bounding volume as an axis-aligned box.A Bounding-Value Hierarchy (BVH) generated for a MeshCollisionShape, based on
.An axis-aligned, rectangular collision shape based on Bullet's
.An axis-aligned, rectangular-solid collision shape based on Bullet's
.Interface to create/destroy direct buffers.
is a helper class for generating nio buffers from
jME data classes such as Vectors.Utility methods used in Gradle builds.
A capsule collision shape based on Bullet's
, or btCapsuleShapeZ
.The "action" (controller) portion of a PhysicsCharacter, based on Bullet's
An element in a CompoundCollisionShape, consisting of a (non-compound) base
shape, offset and rotated with respect to its parent.
Enumerate the float-valued parameters in a soft-body cluster.
Tuning parameters for a CollisionSpace, based on Bullet's
Named collision flags for a PhysicsCollisionObject.
The abstract base class for collision shapes based on Bullet's
.A Bullet-JME collision space with its own
.A collision shape formed by combining child shapes, based on Bullet's
.A scalable mesh that combines multiple indexed meshes.
A conical collision shape based on Bullet's
, or btConeShapeZ
.A 3 degree-of-freedom joint based on Bullet's btConeTwistConstraint.
Named collision flags for use with a SoftBodyConfig.
A collision shape for a conical frustum with uniform density, based on
.The abstract base class for rigid-body physics joints based on Bullet's
Interface to receive immediate notifications when 2 collision objects come
into contact.
Named flags for a PhysicsCollisionEvent.
A convex collision shape optimized for 2-D, based on Bullet's
.The abstract base class for convex collision shapes based on Bullet's
.An abstract base class for collision shapes defined in terms of their
supporting vertices, based on Bullet's
.A cylindrical collision shape based on Bullet's
, or btCylinderShapeZ
.A utility class to generate debug meshes for Bullet collision shapes.
A MultiBodySpace that supports deformables, with its own
.Generate compact textual descriptions of Libbulletjme objects.
Analyze a FloatBuffer to identify all of its distinct Vector3f values.
Dump portions of a Libbulletjme object for debugging.
Enumerate the flags used to configure a PhysicsDumper.
An empty collision shape based on Bullet's
provides 'fast' math approximations and float equivalents of Math
functions.Enumerate algorithms to generate a solid object from voxels (native name:
A joint that couples the angular velocities of two bodies, based on Bullet's
Generate pseudo-random numbers, quaternions, vectors, and selections.
A mesh collisions shape based on Bullet's
.A collision shape for terrain defined by a matrix of height values, based on
.A single degree-of-freedom joint based on Bullet's btHingeConstraint.
A convex-hull collision shape based on Bullet's
.Wrapper class for the index buffer of a mesh.
An indexed triangle mesh based on Bullet's
.Represent a pair of distinct integers.
Utility class to access platform-dependent features.
Enumerate the ends of a physics joint.
Utility class to access fields of Bullet's
class.A square matrix composed of 9 double-precision elements, used to represent
linear transformations of 3-dimensional vectors.
A 3x3 matrix composed of 9 single-precision elements, used to represent
linear transformations of 3-D coordinates, such as rotations, reflections,
and scaling.
A 4x4 matrix composed of 16 single-precision elements, used to represent
linear or perspective transformations of 3-D coordinates.
A generic mesh for visualizing a soft body.
A mesh collision shape that uses a Bounding Value Hierarchy (BVH), based on
.A convex collision shape to represent the Minkowki sum of 2 convex shapes,
based on Bullet's
.Enumerate certain parameters of a RotationMotor or TranslationMotor, based on
Bullet's btConstraintParams.
An articulated rigid body based on Bullet's
.A collision object for a link or base in a MultiBody, based on Bullet's
Enumerate the types of joints in a MultiBody (native name:
A single link in a MultiBody, based on Bullet's
.A PhysicsSpace that supports multibodies, with its own
.A convex collision shape based on Bullet's
.Utility methods that operate on buffers, especially float buffers containing
3-D vectors.
Mathematical utility methods.
Utility methods that operate on physics collision objects.
Mathematical utility methods.
Utility methods for physics collision shapes.
Utility methods for char sequences, strings, and collections of strings.
Utility methods for 3-D vectors.
Utility methods for computing volumes of shapes.
Static interface to the Libbulletjme native library.
Utility class to load native libraries.
An abstract class to represent a native (Bullet) physics object.
A utility class for interfacing with Native Bullet, specifically for soft
A 6 degree-of-freedom Constraint based on Bullet's
A 3 degree-of-freedom Constraint that mimics ODE's Hinge2 joint, such as
might be used to model one of the front wheels on a motor vehicle.
Named constants for types of PhysicsCollisionObject.
Utility class to access fields of Bullet's
class.The abstract base class for rigid bodies and soft bodies.
A collision object for simplified character simulation, based on Bullet's
.Describe a point of contact between 2 collision objects in a PhysicsSpace,
based on Bullet's btManifoldPoint.
Interface to receive notifications when 2 collision objects collide.
The abstract base class for collision objects based on Bullet's
.Generate compact textual descriptions of physics objects for debugging
Dump Libbulletjme data structures for debugging purposes.
A collision object for intangibles, based on Bullet's
.The abstract base class for physics joints based on Bullet's
btTypedConstraint, btSoftBody::Anchor, or btSoftBody::Joint.
Represent the results of a Bullet ray test.
A collision object to simulate a rigid body, based on Bullet's
.A collision object to simulate a soft body, based on Bullet's btSoftBody.
A PhysicsSpace that supports soft bodies, with its own
.A CollisionSpace to simulate dynamic physics, with its own
.Enumerate the available accelerators for broadphase collision detection.
Represent the results of a Bullet sweep test.
Callback interface from the physics thread, used to clear/apply forces.
A rigid body for simplified vehicle simulation based on Bullet's
defines a plane where Normal dot (x,y,z) = Constant.A planar collision shape based on Bullet's
.Enumerate known operating system/architecture pairs.
Enumerate generic names of operating systems
A 3 degree-of-freedom joint based on Bullet's btPoint2PointConstraint.
Allocate direct buffers without special logic.
Used to efficiently represent rotations and orientations in 3-dimensional
space, without risk of gimbal lock.
Used to efficiently represent rotations and orientations in 3-dimensional
space, without risk of gimbal lock.
Named flags for use with a ray test.
A rectangular solid whose axes might not be aligned with the world axes.
A simplified soft body embedded in a rigid frame, based on Bullet's
The motion state (transform) of a rigid body, with thread-safe access.
Copy certain properties of a
in order to re-apply
them later.A motor based on Bullet's btRotationalLimitMotor, used to control the
rotation of a SixDofJoint.
A single-axis motor based on Bullet's btRotationalLimitMotor2, used to
control the rotation of a New6Dof constraint.
Enumerate the orders in which axis rotations can be applied (native enum:
Enumerate the float-valued parameters in a SoftBodyConfig.
A simple point, line-segment, triangle, or tetrahedron collision shape based
on Bullet's
.A 6 degree-of-freedom joint based on Bullet's btGeneric6DofConstraint.
A 6 degree-of-freedom joint based on Bullet's btGeneric6DofSpringConstraint.
A 2 degree-of-freedom joint based on Bullet's btSliderConstraint.
A SoftPhysicsJoint that allows rotation around an axis, based on Bullet's
Provide access to fields of the native btSoftBody::Config struct.
Provide access to 3 fields of the native btSoftBody::Material struct.
Physics-simulation parameters that can be customized for each
PhysicsSoftBody, based on Bullet's
.A SoftPhysicsJoint based on Bullet's btSoftBody::LJoint.
The abstract base class for joining a PhysicsSoftBody to another body, based
on Bullet's btSoftBody::Joint.
Parameters used by the contact-and-constraint solver, based on Bullet's
Named mode bits for contact-and-constraint solvers, based on btSolverMode.
Enumerate the available contact-and-constraint solvers.
A spherical collision shape based on Bullet's
.A collision shape for a spherical segment with uniform density, based on
.Temporary variables assigned to each thread.
Command-line application for testing Libbulletjme.
A 3-D coordinate transform composed of translation, rotation, and scaling.
A 3-D coordinate transform composed of translation, rotation, and scaling.
A motor based on Bullet's btTranslationalLimitMotor, used to control the
translation of a SixDofJoint.
A 3-axis motor based on Bullet's btTranslationalLimitMotor2, used to control
the translation of a New6Dof constraint.
Describes a triangle in terms of its vertex locations, with auxiliary storage
for its normal vector.
Utility methods to throw exceptions for invalid method arguments.
A vector composed of 3 double-precision components, used to represent
locations, offsets, velocities, and directions in 3-dimensional space.
A vector composed of 3 single-precision components, used to represent
locations, offsets, velocities, and directions in 3-dimensional space.
A collection of Vector3f values without duplicates.
A VectorSet implemented using FloatBuffer.
The "action" (controller) portion of a PhysicsVehicle, based on Bullet's
Tuning parameters for a PhysicsVehicle, based on Bullet's btVehicleTuning.
Information about one wheel of a vehicle, based on Bullet's
.Utility class to perform Volumetric-Hierarchical Approximate Convex
Decomposition on an indexed mesh.
Utility class to perform Volumetric-Hierarchical Approximate Convex
Decomposition on an indexed mesh.
A 3-D convex hull based on a V-HACD version 4 ConvexHull.
A set of tuning parameters for convex decomposition, based on version 4 of
V-HACD's IVHACD::Parameters.
A 3-D convex hull based on a V-HACD ConvexHull.
A set of tuning parameters for convex decomposition, based on classic
V-HACD's IVHACD::Parameters.
Callback interface from V-HACD, used to report progress.