Class MyMath


public final class MyMath extends Object
Mathematical utility methods.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final Logger
    message logger for this class
    static final float
    golden ratio = 1.618...
    static final float
    square root of 2
    static final float
    square root of 1/2
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static double
    area(Triangle triangle)
    Return the (one-sided) area of the specified triangle.
    static double
    circle(double abscissa)
    Return the circle function sqrt(1 - x^2) for a double-precision value.
    static float
    circle(float abscissa)
    Return the circle function sqrt(1 - x^2) for a single-precision value.
    static double
    clamp(double dValue, double min, double max)
    Clamp a double-precision value between 2 limits.
    static int
    clamp(int iValue, int min, int max)
    Clamp an integer value between 2 limits.
    static Transform
    combine(Transform child, Transform parent, Transform storeResult)
    Combine the specified transforms.
    static float
    cube(float fValue)
    Cube the specified single-precision value.
    static Matrix3f
    fromAngles(float xAngle, float yAngle, float zAngle, Matrix3f storeResult)
    Sets a rotation matrix from the specified Tait-Bryan angles, applying the rotations in x-z-y extrinsic order or y-z'-x" intrinsic order.
    static float
    hypotenuse(float... fValues)
    Return the root sum of squares of some single-precision values.
    static double
    hypotenuseDouble(double... dValues)
    Return the root sum of squares of some double-precision values.
    static boolean
    isBetween(float a, float b, float c)
    Test whether b is between a and c.
    static boolean
    isFinite(float value)
    Test whether the specified floating-point value is finite.
    static boolean
    isFiniteDouble(double value)
    Test whether the specified floating-point value is finite.
    static boolean
    isIdentity(Transform transform)
    Test the specified transform for exact identity.
    static boolean
    isOdd(int iValue)
    Test whether an integer value is odd.
    static float
    lerp(float t, float y0, float y1)
    Interpolate linearly between (or extrapolate linearly from) 2 single-precision values.
    static int
    log2(int iValue)
    Calculate the floor of the base-2 logarithm of the input value.
    static float
    max(float... fValues)
    Find the maximum of some single-precision values.
    static int
    maxInt(int... iValues)
    Find the maximum of some int values.
    static float
    mid(float a, float b, float c)
    Find the median of 3 single-precision values.
    static float
    min(float... fValues)
    Find the minimum of some single-precision values.
    static float
    modulo(float fValue, float modulus)
    Return the least non-negative value congruent with the input value with respect to the specified modulus.
    static int
    modulo(int iValue, int modulus)
    Return the least non-negative value congruent with the input value with respect to the specified modulus.
    static float
    standardize(float fValue)
    Standardize a single-precision value in preparation for hashing.
    static float
    standardizeAngle(float angle)
    Standardize a rotation angle to the range [-Pi, Pi).
    static double
    sumOfSquares(float... fValues)
    Return the sum of squares of some single-precision values.
    static float
    toDegrees(float radians)
    Convert an angle from radians to degrees.
    static float
    toRadians(float degrees)
    Convert an angle from degrees to radians.
    static Vector3f
    transform(Transform transform, Vector3f input, Vector3f storeResult)
    Apply the specified transform to a Vector3f.
    static Triangle
    transformInverse(Transform transform, Triangle input, Triangle storeResult)
    Apply the inverse of the specified transform to each vertex of a Triangle.
    static Vector3f
    transformInverse(Transform transform, Vector3f input, Vector3f storeResult)
    Apply the inverse of the specified transform to a Vector3f.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • phi

      public static final float phi
      golden ratio = 1.618...
    • root2

      public static final float root2
      square root of 2
    • rootHalf

      public static final float rootHalf
      square root of 1/2
    • logger

      public static final Logger logger
      message logger for this class
  • Method Details

    • area

      public static double area(Triangle triangle)
      Return the (one-sided) area of the specified triangle.
      triangle - (not null, unaffected)
      the area (≥0)
    • circle

      public static double circle(double abscissa)
      Return the circle function sqrt(1 - x^2) for a double-precision value.
      abscissa - input (≤1, ≥-1)
      positive ordinate of the unit circle at the abscissa (≤1, ≥0)
    • circle

      public static float circle(float abscissa)
      Return the circle function sqrt(1 - x^2) for a single-precision value. Double-precision arithmetic is used to reduce the risk of overflow.
      abscissa - input (≤1, ≥-1)
      positive ordinate of the unit circle at the abscissa (≤1, ≥0)
    • clamp

      public static double clamp(double dValue, double min, double max)
      Clamp a double-precision value between 2 limits.
      dValue - input value to be clamped
      min - lower limit of the clamp
      max - upper limit of the clamp
      the value between min and max inclusive that is closest to fValue
      See Also:
    • clamp

      public static int clamp(int iValue, int min, int max)
      Clamp an integer value between 2 limits.
      iValue - input value to be clamped
      min - the lower limit
      max - the upper limit
      the value between min and max inclusive that is closest to iValue
    • combine

      public static Transform combine(Transform child, Transform parent, Transform storeResult)
      Combine the specified transforms.

      It is safe for any or all of child, parent, and storeResult to be the same object.

      This method works on transforms containing non-normalized quaternions.

      child - the transform applied first (not null, unaffected unless it's storeResult)
      parent - the transform applied last (not null, unaffected unless it's storeResult)
      storeResult - (modified if not null)
      a Transform equivalent to child followed by parent (either storeResult or a new instance)
    • cube

      public static float cube(float fValue)
      Cube the specified single-precision value. Logs a warning in case of overflow.
      fValue - input value to be cubed
      fValue raised to the third power
    • fromAngles

      public static Matrix3f fromAngles(float xAngle, float yAngle, float zAngle, Matrix3f storeResult)
      Sets a rotation matrix from the specified Tait-Bryan angles, applying the rotations in x-z-y extrinsic order or y-z'-x" intrinsic order.
      xAngle - the X angle (in radians)
      yAngle - the Y angle (in radians)
      zAngle - the Z angle (in radians)
      storeResult - storage for the result (modified if not null)
      a rotation matrix (either storeResult or a new instance)
    • hypotenuse

      public static float hypotenuse(float... fValues)
      Return the root sum of squares of some single-precision values. Double-precision arithmetic is used to reduce the risk of overflow.
      fValues - the input values
      the positive square root of the sum of squares (≥0)
    • hypotenuseDouble

      public static double hypotenuseDouble(double... dValues)
      Return the root sum of squares of some double-precision values.
      dValues - the input values
      the positive square root of the sum of squares (≥0)
    • isBetween

      public static boolean isBetween(float a, float b, float c)
      Test whether b is between a and c.
      a - the first input value
      b - the 2nd input value
      c - the 3rd input value
      true if b is between a and c (inclusive), otherwise false
    • isFinite

      public static boolean isFinite(float value)
      Test whether the specified floating-point value is finite. Note that Java 8 provides Float.isFinite(float).
      value - the value to test
      true if finite, false if NaN or infinity
    • isFiniteDouble

      public static boolean isFiniteDouble(double value)
      Test whether the specified floating-point value is finite. Note that Java 8 provides Double.isFinite(double).
      value - the value to test
      true if finite, false if NaN or infinity
    • isIdentity

      public static boolean isIdentity(Transform transform)
      Test the specified transform for exact identity.
      transform - which transform to test (not null, unaffected)
      true if exact identity, otherwise false
    • isOdd

      public static boolean isOdd(int iValue)
      Test whether an integer value is odd.
      iValue - the value to be tested
      true if x is odd, false if it's even
    • lerp

      public static float lerp(float t, float y0, float y1)
      Interpolate linearly between (or extrapolate linearly from) 2 single-precision values.

      No rounding error is introduced when y0==y1.

      t - the weight given to y1
      y0 - the function value at t=0
      y1 - the function value at t=1
      the interpolated function value
    • log2

      public static int log2(int iValue)
      Calculate the floor of the base-2 logarithm of the input value.
      iValue - the input value (≥1)
      the largest integer N≤30 for which (1 << N) <= iValue (≥0, ≤30)
    • max

      public static float max(float... fValues)
      Find the maximum of some single-precision values.
      fValues - the input values
      the most positive value
      See Also:
    • maxInt

      public static int maxInt(int... iValues)
      Find the maximum of some int values.
      iValues - the input values
      the most positive value
      See Also:
    • mid

      public static float mid(float a, float b, float c)
      Find the median of 3 single-precision values.
      a - the first input value
      b - the 2nd input value
      c - the 3rd input value
      the median of the 3 values
    • min

      public static float min(float... fValues)
      Find the minimum of some single-precision values.
      fValues - the input values
      the most negative value
      See Also:
    • modulo

      public static int modulo(int iValue, int modulus)
      Return the least non-negative value congruent with the input value with respect to the specified modulus.

      This differs from remainder for negative input values. For instance, modulo(-1, 4) == 3, while -1 % 4 == -1.

      iValue - the input value
      modulus - (>0)
      iValue MOD modulus (<modulus, ≥0)
    • modulo

      public static float modulo(float fValue, float modulus)
      Return the least non-negative value congruent with the input value with respect to the specified modulus.

      This differs from remainder for negative input values. For instance, modulo(-1f, 4f) == 3f, while -1f % 4f == -1f.

      fValue - the input value
      modulus - (>0)
      fValue MOD modulus (<modulus, ≥0)
    • standardize

      public static float standardize(float fValue)
      Standardize a single-precision value in preparation for hashing.
      fValue - input value
      an equivalent value that's not -0
    • standardizeAngle

      public static float standardizeAngle(float angle)
      Standardize a rotation angle to the range [-Pi, Pi).
      angle - the input angle (in radians)
      the standardized angle (in radians, <Pi, ≥-Pi)
    • sumOfSquares

      public static double sumOfSquares(float... fValues)
      Return the sum of squares of some single-precision values. Double-precision arithmetic is used to reduce the risk of overflow.
      fValues - the input values
      the sum of squares (≥0)
    • toDegrees

      public static float toDegrees(float radians)
      Convert an angle from radians to degrees.
      radians - input angle
      equivalent in degrees
      See Also:
    • toRadians

      public static float toRadians(float degrees)
      Convert an angle from degrees to radians.
      degrees - input angle
      equivalent in radians
      See Also:
    • transform

      public static Vector3f transform(Transform transform, Vector3f input, Vector3f storeResult)
      Apply the specified transform to a Vector3f.

      It is safe for input and storeResult to be the same object.

      This method works on transforms containing non-normalized quaternions.

      transform - the transform to apply (not null, unaffected unless storeResult is its translation or scaling component)
      input - the input vector (not null, unaffected unless it's storeResult)
      storeResult - storage for the result (modified if not null)
      the transformed vector (either storeResult or a new instance)
    • transformInverse

      public static Triangle transformInverse(Transform transform, Triangle input, Triangle storeResult)
      Apply the inverse of the specified transform to each vertex of a Triangle.

      It is safe for input and storeResult to be the same object.

      transform - the transform to apply (not null, unaffected)
      input - the input triangle (not null, unaffected unless it's storeResult)
      storeResult - storage for the result (modified if not null)
      the transformed triangle (either storeResult or a new instance)
    • transformInverse

      public static Vector3f transformInverse(Transform transform, Vector3f input, Vector3f storeResult)
      Apply the inverse of the specified transform to a Vector3f.

      It is safe for input and storeResult to be the same object.

      This method works on transforms containing non-normalized quaternions.

      transform - the transform to un-apply (not null, unaffected unless storeResult is its translation or scaling component)
      input - the input vector (not null, unaffected unless it's storeResult)
      storeResult - storage for the result (modified if not null)
      the transformed vector (either storeResult or a new instance)