Package com.jme3.bullet.joints.motors

package com.jme3.bullet.joints.motors
Classes that provide access to the motors in a SixDofJoint or New6Dof.
  • Class
    Enumerate certain parameters of a RotationMotor or TranslationMotor, based on Bullet's btConstraintParams.
    A motor based on Bullet's btRotationalLimitMotor, used to control the rotation of a SixDofJoint.
    A single-axis motor based on Bullet's btRotationalLimitMotor2, used to control the rotation of a New6Dof constraint.
    A motor based on Bullet's btTranslationalLimitMotor, used to control the translation of a SixDofJoint.
    A 3-axis motor based on Bullet's btTranslationalLimitMotor2, used to control the translation of a New6Dof constraint.