Package com.jme3.bullet.objects.infos

package com.jme3.bullet.objects.infos
Auxiliary classes that relate to collision objects.
  • Class
    Enumerate the implemented aerodynamic models for a SoftBodyConfig.
    The "action" (controller) portion of a PhysicsCharacter, based on Bullet's btKinematicCharacterController.
    Enumerate the float-valued parameters in a soft-body cluster.
    Named collision flags for use with a SoftBodyConfig.
    The motion state (transform) of a rigid body, with thread-safe access.
    Copy certain properties of a PhysicsRigidBody in order to re-apply them later.
    Enumerate the float-valued parameters in a SoftBodyConfig.
    Provide access to fields of the native btSoftBody::Config struct.
    Provide access to 3 fields of the native btSoftBody::Material struct.
    The "action" (controller) portion of a PhysicsVehicle, based on Bullet's btRaycastVehicle.
    Tuning parameters for a PhysicsVehicle, based on Bullet's btVehicleTuning.