Stephen Gold is a computer hobbyist who creates, collects, maintains, and publishes open-source JVM software, including apps, libraries, and documentation. (Curious what open-source libraries are?)
He holds an advanced degree in Electrical Engineering. He resides in California with his (long-term) sweetheart. At the present time, he seeks neither employment nor funding nor romance.
His current software interests include:
- 3-D graphics
- physics simulation
- skeletal animation
- software build automation
- evolutionary algorithms
- procedural generation of shapes, meshes, and textures
- approximate convex decomposition
You can follow his devlog at Tumblr.
Stephen’s open-source software projects at GitHub
Stephen publishes source code and build instructions for his open-source software projects at GitHub. He also releases artifacts to the Maven Central Repository, under the com.github.stephengold group ID.
- jolt-jni,
JVM bindings
for Jolt Physics
- Maven artifact IDs with the “jolt-jni-“ prefix
- find the latest release: Central, GitHub
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- Libbulletjme,
a 3-D physics library for JVM applications,
based on Bullet
and V-HACD
- Maven artifact IDs with the “Libbulletjme” prefix
- find the latest release: Central, GitHub
- browse recent commits
- Add-on projects for Libbulletjme:
- LbjExamples, a tutorial for Libbulletjme, with simple example applications
an OpenGL-based graphics engine for Libbulletjme,
with demo applications
- Maven artifact ID: “sport”
- find the latest release: Central, GitHub
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- V-Sport,
a Vulkan-based graphics engine for Libbulletjme,
with demo applications and simple example applications
- Maven artifact ID: “V-Sport”
- find the latest release: Central, GitHub
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- JMonkeyEngine,
a code-centric 3-D game engine based on LWJGL
- Maven group ID: org.jmonkeyengine
- find the latest release: Central, GitHub
- browse recent commits
- Add-on libraries for JMonkeyEngine:
- Minie,
a 3-D physics engine based on Libbulletjme
- Maven artifact ID: “Minie”
- find the latest release: Central, GitHub
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- Acorus,
a simple user interface for demo/test desktop applications
- Maven artifact ID: “Acorus”
- find the latest release: Central, GitHub
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- Garrett,
a suite of camera controllers based on Acorus and Minie
- Maven artifact ID: “Garrett”
- find the latest release: Central, GitHub
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- Heart,
a general-purpose add-on library
- Maven artifact ID: “Heart”
- find the latest release: Central, GitHub
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- jme3-utilities-nifty, a graphical user interface based on NiftyGUI
- jme3-utilities-x, an experimental add-on library
- JmePower,
a loading animation
- Maven artifact ID: “JmePower”
- find the latest release: Central, GitHub
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- jME-TTF,
a renderer for TrueType fonts
- Maven artifact ID: “jme-ttf”
- find the latest release: Central, GitHub
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- KK Physics,
a 3-D physics engine based on jolt-jni
- Maven artifact ID: “kk-physics”
- find the latest release: Central, GitHub
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- MonkeyWrench,
a model loader based on the Open Asset Importer Library
- Maven artifact ID: “MonkeyWrench”
- find the latest release: Central, GitHub
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- More Advanced Vehicles,
a vehicle simulator based on Minie
- Maven artifact ID: “MaVehicles”
- find the latest release: Central, GitHub
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- SkyControl,
a sky simulator
- Maven artifact ID: “SkyControl”
- find the latest release: Central, GitHub
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- tonegodgui,
another graphical user interface
- Maven artifact ID: “tonegodgui”
- find the latest release: Central, GitHub
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- Wes,
edits and retargets skeletal animations
- Maven artifact ID: “Wes”
- find the latest release: Central, GitHub
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- Minie,
a 3-D physics engine based on Libbulletjme
- JMonkeyEngine apps:
- Archer-Game-Template2, a first-person shooter game
- BasicGame-on-Gradle, a template for building JMonkeyEngine applications using Gradle and Java
- BasicGame-on-Kotlin, a template for building JMonkeyEngine applications using Gradle and Kotlin
- DacWizard, a GUI app for configuring Minie ragdoll physics
- FuzeCreek, a real-time river-rafting game
- Georg, a suite of procedurally generated textures
- jme3-maze, a 3-D maze game
- Maud, an editor for animated 3-D models
- RyzomConverter, imports assets from the Ryzom Asset Repository
- RyzomDemos, example applications using assets imported by RyzomConverter
- VhacdTuner, a GUI app to tune the V-HACD algorithm for a specific mesh
- Ancient JVM libraries:
- asm 3.1,
a framework for manipulating JVM bytecodes
- Maven artifact ID: “asm-all”
- find the latest release: Central, GitHub
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- jbullet,
a 3-D physics library written entirely in Java
- Maven artifact ID: “jbullet”
- find the latest release: Central, GitHub
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- j-ogg-all,
reads Ogg bitstreams and decodes the media they contain
- Maven artifact IDs: “j-ogg-all” and “j-ogg-vorbis”
- find the latest release: Central, GitHub
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- stack-alloc,
allocates JVM objects on the stack instead of on the heap
- Maven artifact ID: “stack-alloc”
- find the latest release: Central, GitHub
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- asm 3.1,
a framework for manipulating JVM bytecodes
- Documentation projects:
- antora-ui-bundle,
an Antora user-interface bundle
- find the latest release: GitHub
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-, this website
- antora-ui-bundle,
an Antora user-interface bundle